News in Brief

The Wonder Wanderers
- 16-20 October 2024, The Land Beyond

On October 16th , 2024, The Land Beyond welcomes again Elpida Trizi, a Communication & Embodied Leadership Coach, CPCC and ICF Certified, for a reinvigorating experience called “The Wonder Wanderers”.

Elpida Trizi brings to coaching more than 20 years of e xperience in corporate communication and international relations, of which 10 years abroad. More information about Elpida is available in English here:

WHEN: 16-20 October 2024
WHY: to slowdown and allow a sense of wonder, of not-knowing, as likely not everything, in life and work, goes always as planned.
  • Through opening-up our senses and breathing.
  • Through walking and conscious movement, allowing introspection, cultivating deeper self-awareness and a sense of inner harmony.
  • Through deep conversations and sharing in a safe, non-judgmental space.
  • Four full days to slowdown, disconnect from our “busy” routines and multiple screens
  • Four full days to unblock our minds, reawaken what makes us feel alive, reconnect the heart and mind, body and soul.
  • Four full days to start building the foundations for an authentic, “feel-good” life, through conscious choices.
  • Lower the inner and outer “noise”
  • Move from a know-it-all place to a more sensing and feeling place
  • Reconnect with ourselves, each other and nature
  • Truly have the agency to lead our lives, our way, at our pace and ultimately make a fulfilling contribution to the world around us.

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For more info visit the website